One Civic Act
For our communities to thrive, we all need to contribute.
What is a civic act?
A civic act is an intentional action, requiring effort or resources, to participate in the life of a community. It aims to make a difference in improving conditions for others or to shape the future of a community. It embraces the fact that all persons are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. A civic act doesn’t pit one community against another.
How you can take action
Help make your community, your country or even the world a better place. You’ll meet great people along the way.
Raise your civic engagement
Vote in every election – even the local ones – connect with your representatives, and speak up. Maybe even run for office.
Be an activist
Fight for what you believe in. (But don’t take “fight” literally.)
Give Back
Donate to worthy causes. A little goes a long way.
Live well
Small changes to our own habits at home and at work can make a big difference in the life and wellbeing of our communities.
- Sign up for a simple PDF guide
Don’t feel helpless or that you don’t have enough time. Civic engagement starts with a single act. I’m here to help you focus on what you believe in, commit to a plan of action and take that first act.
There are so many ways to commit one civic act! To give you a flavor, here are a few civic acts I’ve done over the past few years…
- Practiced citizen science by counting the river herring heading through a fish ladder
- Voted in elections for my City Council, with no state or federal positions at stake
- Volunteered at my old high school to provide services to youth at risk
- Thanked my Congresswoman for coming to my neighborhood—and asked her to support democracy reforms
- Gave blood to the American Red Cross
- Testified before the Massachusetts Board of Building Regulations and Standards
- Wrote a letter to the Boston Globe on climate change denial
The possibilities are endless. Want to join me?
Sign up for my free PDF on “How you can raise your civic engagement with one civic act.”
How did this start?
Hi. I'm Larry
I made a promise in November, 2016 to change my approach to civic engagement. Then, on January 21, 2017, I embarked on a mission to perform one civic act per day, every day, for the next four years. The acts aren’t world-changing. Some are quite small or involve explorations that end up going nowhere. Others are connected to my professional life. But my hope is that the discipline of pursuing one act per day means civic engagement will be on my mind every day.
Truth be told, 1,421 civic acts is pretty daunting. I made it for 100 days and I posted a report card on Medium. And I blogged about my one civic act experience over four years. It’s been an eye-opening process as I’ve stumbled through municipal meetings, met a host of interesting organizations and civic leaders, and taken deep dives on issues that affect my community. The feedback I’ve received from people I’ve never met has encouraged me to help others who want to change their own approach to civic engagement.
Want to learn more? Send an email.
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